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Thursday, November 26, 2009

Credit Card Validation

    Provides functions & Fields for validating credit card numbers
    Thanks to David Shaw for the Luhn Checksum code

import re        
from django import newforms as forms

import datetime
def ValidateLuhnChecksum(number_as_string):
    """ checks to make sure that the card passes a luhn mod-10 checksum """

    sum = 0

    num_digits = len(number_as_string)
    oddeven = num_digits & 1

    for i in range(0, num_digits):
        digit = int(number_as_string[i])

        if not (( i & 1 ) ^ oddeven ):

            digit = digit * 2
        if digit > 9:

            digit = digit - 9

        sum = sum + digit

    return ( (sum % 10) == 0 )

# Regex for valid card numbers
    'mastercard':   '^5[12345]([0-9]{14})$',
    'visa':         '^4([0-9]{12,15})$',


def ValidateCharacters(number):
    """ Checks to make sure string only contains valid characters """
    return re.compile('^[0-9 ]*$').match(number) != None

def StripToNumbers(number):
    """ remove spaces from the number """
    if ValidateCharacters(number):

        result = ''
        rx = re.compile('^[0-9]$')

        for d in number:
            if rx.match(d):

                result += d
        return result
        raise Exception('Number has invalid digits')

def ValidateDigits(type, number):
    """ Checks to make sure that the Digits match the CC pattern """
    regex = CC_PATTERNS.get(type.lower(), False)

    if regex:
        return re.compile(regex).match(number) != None

        return False

def ValidateCreditCard(type, number):

    """ Check that a credit card number matches the type and validates the Luhn Checksum """
    type = type.strip().lower()
    if ValidateCharacters(number):

        number = StripToNumbers(number)
        if CC_PATTERNS.has_key(type):

            return ValidateDigits(type, number)
            return ValidateLuhnChecksum(number)

    return False

class CreditCardNumberField(forms.CharField):
    """ A newforms widget for a creditcard number """

    def clean(self, value):
        value = forms.CharField.clean(self, value)

        if not ValidateCharacters(value):
            raise forms.ValidationError('Can only contain numbers and spaces.')

        value = StripToNumbers(value)
        if not ValidateLuhnChecksum(value):

            raise forms.ValidationError('Not a valid credit card number.')
        return value

class CreditCardExpiryField(forms.CharField):
    """ A newforms widget for a creditcard expiry date """
    def clean(self, value):     
        value = forms.CharField.clean(self, value.strip())

        # Just check MM/YY Pattern
        r = re.compile('^([0-9][0-9])/([0-9][0-9])$')
        m = r.match(value)

        if m == None:
            raise forms.ValidationError('Must be in the format MM/YY. i.e. "11/10" for Nov 2010.')

        # Check that the month is 1-12
        month = int(m.groups()[0])

        if month < 1 or month > 12:
            raise forms.ValidationError('Month must be in the range 1 - 12.')

        # Check that the year is not too far into the future
        year = int(m.groups()[1])

        curr_year = % 100

        max_year = curr_year + 10
        if year > max_year or year < curr_year:

            raise forms.ValidationError('Year must be in the range %s - %s.' % (str(curr_year).zfill(2), str(max_year).zfill(2),))

        return value   

# An example Form based on ModelForm.
class PaymentForm(forms.ModelForm):    
    cc_number = creditcards.CreditCardNumberField(required=False)

    cc_expiry = creditcards.CreditCardExpiryField()
    class Meta:
        model = Payment 

        This function checks that the card number matches the card type.  
        If you don't want to do this, comment out this function.
    def clean(self):

        if self.cleaned_data:
            if len(self.cleaned_data.items()) == len(self.fields):      
                if self.cleaned_data['method'] == 'cc':

                    the_type = self.cleaned_data.get('cc_type', '')

                    number = self.cleaned_data.get('cc_number', '')

                    if not ValidateDigits(the_type, number):
                        raise forms.ValidationError('Card Number is not a valid ' + the_type.upper() + ' card number.')

                    if not self.instance.is_payment_valid():
                        raise forms.ValidationError('Credit card payment could not be processed.  Reason is %s.  Check that card details are correct and try again.  If you still receive this error, check with your financial institution.' % (self.instance.gateway_resptxt))

        return self.cleaned_data

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